SelectScience releases an exclusive application eBook
on the CELENA® X High Content Imaging System, by Logos Biosystems

July 27, 2022

SelectScience releases an exclusive application eBook on the CELENA® X High Content Imaging System, by Logos Biosystems

Leading independent science publisher SelectScience®, has released the application eBook, ‘High content imaging analysis for basic and applied research’ providing an in-depth look at high content imaging and analysis using the CELENA® X, High Content Imaging System and the CELENA® X Cell Analyzer imaging software.

The CELENA® X application eBook contains ten different application notes that reflect the broad range of uses across multiple applications from fluorescence-based apoptosis and high content anti-cancer drug screening, to evaluating transfection efficiency and counting adherent cells.

An integrated imaging system, the CELENA® X, is designed for rapid, high content image acquisition and analysis. The system offers customizable imaging protocols, image-based and laser autofocusing modules, and a motorized XYZ stage simplify well plate imaging and slide scanning.

The CELENA® X Cell Analyzer software and its ability to batch process makes it ideal for high content image analysis. This robust software is capable of handling applications from fixed cell assays to more complicated applications such as time-lapse live cell assays.

Discover how the CELENA® X could be an excellent fit for your imaging needs. Download the free eBook, today on the SelectScience website.

‘High content imaging analysis for basic and applied research’