Tissue Clearing  > Consumables & Accessories  > Consumables
DeepLabel™ Antibody Staining Kit

DeepLabel™ Antibody Staining Kit is a set of non-toxic, ready-to-use reagents optimized for use with clarified tissues for effective antibody penetration and site-specific binding. With DeepLabel™, macromolecular probes rapidly and efficiently penetrate thick, protein-dense tissues at lower antibody concentrations. DeepLabel™ facilitates homogenous antibody staining with 2.6 X greater signal-to-background than conventional staining methods. DeepLabel™ is compatible with virtually all antibodies and all cleared tissues (compatible with CLARITY, PACT, iDISCO, CUBIC, etc).

Compatible Instruments
X-CLARITY™ Tissue Clearing System

DeepLabel™ Antibody Staining Kit is a set of reagents optimized for use with clarified tissues for effective antibody penetration and site-specific binding.


DeepLabel™ Solution A is a permeabilization reagent that enhances antibody permeation.


DeepLabel™ Solution B is an antibody dilution buffer that facilitates the antigen-antibody binding reaction. Unbound antibodies are efficiently removed by the DeepLabel™ Washing Buffer.


X-CLARITY™ Mounting Solution is a refractive index matching solution (RIMS) that minimizes photobleaching and preserves fluorescence signals. The refractive index (RI) of the solution is 1.460 at 25°C and is stable over a wide temperature range.



DeepLabel™ Solution A 1 x 25 mL
DeepLabel™ Solution B 2 x 25 mL
DeepLabel™ Washing Buffer 1 x 250 mL
X-CLARITY™ Mounting Solution 1 x 25 mL


Ordering Information

Cat # Description Qty
C33001 DeepLabel™ Antibody Staining Kit 1 set
– DeepLabel™ Solution A (1X25mL)
– DeepLabel™ Solution B (2X25mL)
– DeepLabel™ Washing Buffer (1X250mL)
C33010 DeepLabel™ Antibody Staining Kit: Bulk Pack 5 set
– C33001 X 5kits