Logos Biosystems Receives SelectScience® Seal of Quality for the LUNA™ Family of Automated Cell Counters



April 10, 2019


Logos Biosystems has been awarded the SelectScience® Bronze Seal of Quality for the LUNA™ family of automated cell counters. The award was presented by SelectScience at a special awards reception during AACR 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The SelectScience Seal of Quality is given to top-rated products that meet specific criteria based on the number and average rating of user reviews. This makes the LUNA family the first cell counters to receive a Seal of Quality for customer satisfaction.


The LUNA-II Automated Cell Counter received especially glowing reviews. Alejandro Ocampo of the University of Lausanne said, “This is by far the best instrument in its category. Reliable and reproducible results. Easy to use.” Katja Jansen of Utrecht University called it a “researcher’s best friend”.


“We are tremendously delighted to have won the SelectScience Bronze seal of quality for the LUNA family of cell counters,” commented Ana Kim, US Regional Manager at Logos Biosystems. “It means a lot to us that our products have been recognized by researchers in the life science field as an essential tool. Customer feedback has become an invaluable part of our continuous product improvement.”


Karine Labour, Europe Managing Director at Logos Biosystems, added: “Our daily interactions with our valuable customers drive us to focus on their satisfaction and to excel always by providing innovative and robust solutions. We are proud to listen to our customers to remain close to their needs.”


Launched in July 2017, SelectScience Seals of Quality recognize the top-rated products that have consistently received the highest review ratings from scientists around the world and are designed to further assist scientists in making important purchasing decisions for their labs.


Click here to read the article from SelectScience.