December 27, 2023
Logos Biosystems has teamed up with some of the top names in the life science industry for the release of the annual cancer-related research eBook, produced by Biocompare.
Logos Biosystems is proud to announce its CELENA® X Système d'analyse d'images à haute densité (HCI) has been highlighted in the eBook, ‘Advanced Tools Transforming Neurology Research’ released Wednesday, December 27, 2023.
The eBook, released by Biocompare, is a collaborative effort including some of the top names in the life science industry. Topics discussed include the impact organoids and metabolic assays, characterization of organoids in pre-clinical disease models, neuroinflammation’s role in neurodegenerative diseases, and how intracellular calcium flux induced by ATP impacts the function of calium ion channels at the cellular level.
The ‘Advanced Tools Transforming Neurology Research’ eBook provides a closer look at new tools, tips, and techniques to address the complexities of neurology research. These new technologies enable researchers to dive deeper into human brain function as well as new techniques and protocols to research many different disease processes related to the brain.
The CELENA® X Système d'analyse d'images à haute densité (HCI) is an integrated imaging system designed for rapid, high-contet imaging acquisition and analysis. It offers a powerful but user-friendly interface designed with a fully automated well-plate and slide imaging. Equipped with an XYZ stage, filter cubes, and laser autofocus, there is no risk of phototoxicity or photobleaching. Providing several different imaging modes, live cell assay support, and customizable high content imaging analysis using the CELENA® X Cell Analyzer software (included), this systems offers all of the conveniences of a large-scale bioprocessing system without the large-scale price tag.
The ‘Advanced Tools Transforming Neurology Research’ eBook is available for download free of charge on the Biocompare website.
Biocompare is a resource for life science researchers and scientists providing the latest industry news and updates, peer-led product reviews, and provides new research technologies, tips, and resources.