SelectScience releases editorial article featuring neurological research at Yale School of Medicine and the LUNA-FX7™

July 13, 2023

SelectScience releases editorial article featuring neurological research at Yale School of Medicine and the LUNA-FX7™.

Learn how the latest automated cell counting technology is enhancing autoimmune disease research at Yale School of Medicine’s Hafler Lab.

Scientists in the Neuroimmunology Lab of Dr. David A. Hafler at Yale School of Medicine are using automated cell counting to increase throughput and enhance cell-based experiments that are providing key insights into the cells responsible for autoimmune neurological diseases.

The Hafler Lab use the LUNA-FX7™ 자동세포카운터 by Logos Biosystems for all of its cell counting needs.

Read more about Yale School of Medicine’s Hafler Lab’s research by reading the complete article on SelectScience® by clicking here.

Nick Buitrago-Pocasangre, Project Manager at the Hafler Lab, Yale School of Medicine